Why my Studio is too slow?

If you are using Remote Desktop to access RPE/PUB Studio, you may find the Studio too slow. The slow response is because of the windows process “rdpclip” (Remote Desktop Clipboard) that allows users to manage a shared clipboard between a local host and remote desktop. To fix the slow response, you can do either of the following:

  1. Kill/disable rdpclip process using the task manager in the remote computer.
  2. Uncheck “Clipboard” option in Remote Desktop Connection.
    a. Launch Remote Desktop Connection application
    b. Click ‘Show Options’ -> Local Resources
    c. Uncheck ‘Clipboard’ option from ‘Local device and resources’ section.
    d. Click Connect to connect to the remote machine.

Author: Subramanya Prasad Pilar

Subramanya Prasad Pilar has been working on IBM Rational/ELM tools for more than 15 years. He has diversified experience in the field of software testing, development and release engineering. https://www.linkedin.com/in/subraprasad/

3 thoughts on “Why my Studio is too slow?”

  1. What if Citrix is being used to get to DOORS and RPE products? How to speed up uploading a “dsx”/”dta” file or downloading/saving to local laptop hard drive even though I have a 100 Mbit connection?

  2. Some added info to uploading/downloading is that the Citrix Server with DOORS and RPE is on the Amazon Cloud.

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